
Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School

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British Values


Our Lady of is a Voluntary Aided Catholic Primary School set in an environment which reflects the Christian Gospels and Teachings of the Catholic Church. As such through its curriculum, extra-curricular activities, teaching and learning this school will promote Christian and British values. By doing so, we will ensure that all learners understand the values that have traditionally underpinned British society. The teaching of these values will promote cohesiveness within our school and community. We will prepare pupils for life in England where the population has an increasingly rich diversity of backgrounds, origins, beliefs and cultures by promoting the values on which our society has been built. By teaching pupils these values we will help all to become good citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.



1. To ensure that all develop an understanding of the values which underpin life in Britain.

2. To teach pupils to have a mutual respect and tolerance for, and an understanding of the various faiths and beliefs represented in Britain today.

3. To ensure that all learn to uphold the rule of law and support freedom, justice and equality.

4. To help all understand and value the rich diversity that other citizens from different cultures, religions and backgrounds bring to our national society.

5. To value people’s differences and respect them.

6. To develop pupils’ awareness and tolerance of communities different to their own.

7. To value democracy and to stand up for right against wrong.

8. To care for the sick, the poor, the weak and the old and treat them as valued members of our society.

9. To ensure that learners become good citizens of the United Kingdom.



1. The school will promote British values through its teaching, learning across the subjects of the curriculum to help all understand how the values have underpinned life in Britain throughout its history, geography, language, literature, sport and games, personal and social education and religions.

2. This school will teach children about the growth and development of our parliamentary democracy and its key institutions including the constitutional monarchy.

3. Learners will be taught about democracy and universal suffrage and the duty of citizens to participate in and contribute to life in Britain.

4. We will develop the skills of participation and responsible action necessary for living together in harmony as citizens of United Kingdom.

5. Pupils will learn about the democratic structures of our national government and we will promote civic pride by helping them learn and understand about local government.

6. Across the curriculum we will teach the importance of being a good citizen.



Through our work and partnerships pupils will gain a good understanding of the values that underpin the privileges, rights, responsibilities and duties of citizenship. We will equip young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding to make a positive contribution to the harmony of our local and national community. We will develop responsible young people who support and positively value community cohesion. This policy will make a key contribution to the school’s positive ethos. The Headteacher and Governing Board will assess the impact of this policy and monitor its operation. It should be viewed in conjunction with the school’s other policies especially the Equality Statement, Equal Opportunities Policy and Behaviour Policy.
