
Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School

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Admissions Appeals 2024-2025

2024 Primary School Appeal Timetable

September Admissions 

Our Lady of the Rosary Admission Policy explains:

  • how OLOR considers applications for places in each relevant age group (that is, the age group in which children are normally admitted)
  • OLOR intends to admit 30 children in each relevant age group (known as the published admission number, or PAN)
  • parents or carers need to contact Trafford Council Admissions if they want to apply for their child to attend Our Lady of the Rosary in the Reception class.
  • the school allocates places, if there are more applicants than places available using their Admissions Policy.

Delayed Entry

A parent or carer of a primary-age child can request that the school delay or defer their child’s entry to Reception. The family should contact the school directly. The Headteacher will decide whether to support the delayed entry.

In-Year Admissions

All n-year applications for places (that is, applications for places in the middle of a school year, or to start in the September of a year which is not the normal point of entry) are made directly through the school. The governing body manages these applications via OLOR's application form

Admission Appeals

By 28 February each year, OLOR publishes a timetable setting out how it will organise and hear admission appeals.
